Import from MathML

Export/Import within PowerMath

If equations are exported with “Store equation data” checked, an annotation record is added to MathML. If the annotation is present when importing the equation, the annotation is preferred over attempting to read the presentation elements of MathML. The annotation will reproduce the equation exactly as it was when it was exported. If the annotation is not used, there is a high likeliness that the equation will not appear the same as when it was exported and some information may be lost.

Import from another source

Importing MathML to PowerMath has been expanded to include MathML equations that conform to the MathML standard.  Importing MathML to PowerMath is a two step process.  Please see the example below:

MathML 1.0 import example


Copy the MathML to your document.  The MathML may contain spaces, tabs, newlines and carriage returns between the elements.

Export MathML to PowerMath ASCII

Select the range to export, such as the document.

Import PowerMath ASCII to PowerMath equations

MathML import to PowerMath completed

If you encounter a MathML feature that is not importing correctly, please let us know